I’m back in business after parental leave!
No more time of rest, cause I’ve been invited by curator Henriette Nørmark to open a small solo show that is opening on the 7th of November ! Hope to see you at the opening!

After some hard months, working both at the hospital and at the same time working on this solo exhibition for Peach Corner Gallery in Copenhagen - I am very proud to invite you to  “The Reservoir”. It opens at 16:00 - and the curator and arthistorian Malou Solfjeld will open with some words at 17:00. I promise water, more water, some fire and clay.. The exhibition is up until the 1st of July - so there is still plenty of time to come by!

Come down to the subways, for the opening of my soloshow “C a r r i e r s” at Prosjektrom Carl Berner in Oslo tonight.. ! The project space is run by Norsk BIlledhogger Forbund (Norwegian Sculptures Association), and it is situated in the subway station Carl Berners Plass. I have been working together with the author Cecilie Almberg Størkson, where we have been explored the world of aereal seeds.. I’ve been making the physical phrames and sculptural work for the exhibition, and Cecilie has written a series of texts that is shown on the windows of the space.. And the best part is, that it will stand there for 5 months!

My current studio space is organizing a big group exhibition, to celebrate 30 years here on Amagen in Copenhagen. Fabrikken for Kunst og Design has a long history of housing artists and designers for their production, and I’ve been blessed to stay here for half a year. The exhibition is arranged in the same period as our open house event (21/5/22 - 12:00-17:00) and will stay until wednesday - andbetween 15:00-17:00 you can pop by my studio space and have a cup of coffee, look at some orbiting objects or fiddle around with some clay.  


Last week I was in Øystese, on the west coast of Norway, installing a public artwork outside the museum Kunsthuset Kabuso. This project is connected to Vestlandsutstillingen; a group show that is touring around the west coast of Norway. This is a sensured, local exhibition that this year is curated by Espen Johanssen. He has chosen one artist for each location, that will create an artwork that is exhibited outside, in connection to the exhibition space. I was lucky to be a part of this journey, and have made an underground sound instrument, that is activated by the rain. I’ve always wanted to make a work that was using the copious amounts of rain here on the west coast of Norway, and now was the time! The work is standing during May and June, just outside the beautiful museum of Ingebrigt Vik (a bit confusing, but these two museums are just next to eachother). 


Metal fountain, soft mountain
12.November - 28. November

My solo show at Babel Visningsrom for kunst in Trondheim, ended up with the title “metal fountain, soft mountain”, and is a result of a longer reserach of soft metals and soft stones. I’ve been visiting local soap stone quarries around Trondheim (soap stone is a rather fantastic material that has been widely used for its ability to be easily sculpted, and for its ability to keep, and withstand very high heat) as well as local copper mines.. I’m very greatful for being allowed into this process, with support from Babel (the gallery), LKV (the recidency in Trondheim), Kulturrådet+Statens Kunstfond (the economy), friends and family. I hope you can come and visit the exhibition for the last week !


Designer and ceramist Ole Jensen has curated a group show at Peach Corner, openingthis coming thursday, the 30th of September. I’m looking foreward to showing my new installation “konkylie, konkylie, konkylie”, and hope you can come by!


Next exhibition coming up, is a group show at MATTER - house of craft (11. September), where ceramist Sarah Oakman and glassblower Maj-Brit Zehlmer Olsen, have curated a group show consisting of 9 contempory craftsmen and women. MATTER is situated just by the harbour in the small town of Nexø, on the island of Bornholm.

I will contribute with the performative installation “to hold, to carry”, a work revolving around the process of carrying water.


I’m glad to announce this project that I have been working on the last weeks, involving 9 artists on a walking exhibition through Copenhagen. Link for the exhibition will come soon, and meanwhile you can update your self through this facebook event (link).


The last 5 weeks, I have been working constantly with shaping copper, at the amazing facilities at The Danish Art Workshops, in Copenhagen. I have been in the metal workshop, and basically I have been bonking copper all.....day.... long.. I am fascinated with shaping copper, because metal is something I generally perceive as something very hard. But working with the material, I’ve been familiar to the fact that everything is relative - and copper is in fact VERY mendable.

This is only the start of making an installation, that is exploring the way that copper is effected by time, and it’s envirement. Next step is to combine the copper elements, with porcelaine - and they are going to stand outside for at least 1 year, and see how rain and time will shape the objects.  



The beginning of 2020 has been turbulent in so many ways; professionally and personally (and I think I am sharing this with the whole globe) - the spring has just rushed through before my eyes. I have finally found a new studio (that I am looking foreward to share with you, as we get further in the process of opening this up) - and would like to give a big thanks to Statens Kunstfond / the Danish Arts Foundation, for supporting me with a working grant. This ables me to give more time in the studio and less hesitaiton towards the financial aspects of a project. I means a LOT! 


This is a flash from the workshop “researching material poetry”, that I held at the Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea, this October. Since I took part in the exhibition “Crafted Matter”, in Cheongju Craft Biennale, we were invited to collaborate with the glass and ceramics departement. Even though we were on the other side of the globe, the students and the university felt much like the environment I studied in, som years ago now. We spoke the same language in many ways, which was much inspiring!


These days I’m preparing my departure to South Korea, were I will partake in an exhibition together with 13 other danish artists, designers and craftsmen-and-women, at an exhibition arranged between the Danish Arts Council and the Danish embassy in South Korea, called Crafted Matter. The opening is on the 8th of October, and straight after that we will be holding a workshop at the Hongik Universite in Seoul, along side with my fellow exhibitors. When the exhibition is done, I will be continuing to research Korean craftmanship and the contemporary art scene. More info will follow.....


Come to Spire festival this weekend ! We are gonna make a big construction made of plaster and wool, and everybody is welcome to join.. They made a tiny video as a teaser (you can see it on their webpage if you click here), I don’t know if it  makes much sence what I’m trying to say, but I can assure you that it is gonna be pretty rock’n roll....


The yearly exhibition “Trøndelagsutstillingen” in Trondheim, is about to close.. Last chance to see it is on the 4th of August.


22.05 - 2019
This saturday, “Trøndelagsutstillingen”, will open  in Trondheim - with two of my works included!
This is a yearly regional exhibition of contemporary art, organized by Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere (the artists’ association) and administrated by Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art.
I was just in Trondheim to put up the works, and it´s a pitty that I can’t come up again to see it all finished, cause it was seiously a bunch of good works that I’m together with up there..

Link to the event is here


01.04 - 2019
The exhibition MINDCRAFT 18 that was exhibited in Milan last year, will soon travel to Korea!
My work “carbon black” will get back on the road again (or actually on the sea), and I’m lucky to come along with it for the opening on the 9th of October. (Korea!)
Denmark and South Korea are celebrating 60 years of collaborations, and in this context, the exibition has a new concept and name ; Crafted Matter.
A big thank you to the Danish Arts Council for supporting me for this journey.


07.12 - 2018
My solo show “Natten lavede en bue, en omdrejning, et spind” is opening tonight at the project space Eks-rummet..!
The openingtimes are :

Saturday 8/12 : 14:00-17:00
Sunday 9/12 : 14:00-17:00
Thursday 13/12 : 14:00-17:00
Friday 14/12 : 14:00-17:00
Saturday 15/12 : 14:00-17:00
Sunday 16/12 :14:00-17:00

Be most welcome to come by!


27.11 - 2018
My solo exhibition “Ett berg, en bädd, ett nyckelben” at KRAFT in Bergen will be running all through the month of December, so if you’re there, be most welcome to pop by! The artist Nina Bang Larsen has a nice exhibition in the project space just next to me, which should also be seen!
For some more info, you can follow this link - here !

Below : a close up of the work “ett segel” hanging from the ceiling in 6 long strings made of hair.


19.09 - 2018
I was invited to exhibit at an exhibition curated by Sarah Oakman and Maj-Britt Zelmer Olsen, in their studio space in Nexø on Bornholm. The exhibition opened during the European Ceramic context this weekend, but you can still see it for the following two weeks..

12.09 - 2018
I have now installed a work called “vaggan och vinden”, hanging inside (most likely) one of the worlds tiniest mobile galleries. Its called Kunsthall15 and is run by Veslemøy Lilleengen. She carries it around Trondheim city, talking to people along the way about art and the current exhibition. 


If you might be in Copenhagen during June, perhaps a bit of July, you can pass by a small window exhibition I have in Christin Johanssons little lovely window gallery on Istedgade 107 on Vesterbro (it’s my third window exhibition in one year, its a record!). And I think I like it cause its very much for everybody to see, during all times of the day and night, I guess that is quite democratic. Any how. I made this copper-thing for it. I got obsessed with bonking copper.


///////////  Upcoming thursday the 21th of June is the summer solstice, and I will participate in a group exhibition called After School Special at Landmark in Bergen. Link for the event is here - and a tiny sneak peak here you go :


13. 06 - 2018
This friday at 10:30 - I will give an artist talk together with Statens Kunstfond at Gæstgivergården at Folkemødet on Bornholm.  Peter Kjær, that has a background in art history, will host the talk, and I will sot a porcelain piece that is very much like the piece I brought to Milan this April for the Mindcraft exhibition. Wish me luck! Or come!
The link to the event is here


30.03 - 2018
If you might be in Malmö this evening (or during the two coming weeks!) - come to the opening of DELFI’s Window exhibition, with 15 different artists involved, in 15 different windows around Malmö centrum. My work “Form för ytor och plan”  is situated on the first floor at Södra Förstadsgatan 120,  I’m looking forward to scout around town!


12.03 - 2018
If you, dear reader, would be around Copenhagen these days, you should come by this small window gallery 1,4m2 on Ny Carlsberg vej 26, on Vesterbro in Copenhagen. I have an exhibition there, called Koralvæv, and it will stand for 3 weeks more. Its best to see it in the night, when the streets are empty and quiet, you might see the vague moonlight.


(There should in theory be some virtual fireworks on this post ) ::
I’m gonna participate in a show called Mindcraft, in Milan in April! This is an exhibition initiated by the Danish Arts Foundation and is held during the design week, with 14 other danish participants within the field of craft..
I’m going to Italy!


23/01 - 2018 ! slighty new webpage, slightly new studio, and new projects in the horizon.. At the moment I’m back on Bornholm working with clay for a show in April, as well as a small exhibition for a window gallery on Vesterbro in Copenhagen. To be continued.. !


August 2017 - I never showed how the grass peice turned out in the end!
It was a beautiful night.
A white rabbit came with a torch, gathered everybody at the festival, and we walked down to the beach. A man from an island in the pacific made a fireshow while drums were playing, and then he took everybody down in the water, along the peer - and set the grassring on fire. Everybody was helping to make it happen, which was the best thing.  


19/08 : 24:00 - We are setting this grass piece on fire, floating in the water at midnight on the island of Mön...

Just a sneak peak from "moon, water", from the exhibition at the sake brewery. I've just put together a short video to document it in movement..


Six weeks residency at Shiro Oni Studio in Japan is coming to an end, and tomorrow saturday we open an exhibition in an old sake brewery with 10 exhibiting artists. You can follow the facebook link to the happening here.

We opened the anagama kiln last week, the whole front row had sort of sailed down to the front of the kiln while we were on top temperature.. I´ve never seen anything like it, and even if some of our things got smashed - we could literally pick of things from the top shelf, just when we opened the brick door......


been dreaming about a moonbath between the mountains...to be continued...


Tag Team Studio in Bergen holds an event on the 15th of June were they are launching three fanzines based from three exhibiting artists as well as presentation from two artists working with fanzines. I am honoured and proud that one of these fanzines are based on my solo exhibition from March this year, with a text written by Maria Lyngstad Willassen...


After weeks of travelling along the train tracks, through Russia, Mongolia, China, I flew from Shanghai to Tokyo - and arrived here in Shiro Oni Studio, on the countryside around two hours outside Tokyo. People are extremely friendly, the nature is calm, and the group of artists that will be working individually here, is the such lovely people (we met earlier for another residency in Denmark, and decided to work together again on the other side of the globe). The architecture and culture here is so beautiful, so precise and balanced, I don't know how one could ever make something that could ever be measured with the surroundings here. In a couple of weeks we will fire an anagama-kiln that is situated in the woods (the firing will take 90 hours and we will be working in shifts all day and night). I'm stoked.


Next friday the 17th of March my exhibition on Tag Team Studio opens, and stay up until the 2nd of April. I've been working on it for the last months, and sort of had an ongoing conversation with my self about what kind of qualities that materials have, that you cannot see with vision. Our bodily experience of things give us very complex information about how things are, and I guess I've been trying to figure out how to reach those other aspects that my body can catch unconsciously. I'm afraid I never found an answer, probably never will, but you are most welcome to come and feel the process I've been into on Tag Team!


Three good friends of mine has a graphic design studio located here in Bergen (Jah Jah Studio!), and we made a fanzine together recently, telling stories around something as trivial as their table lamp. Good experience to learn about riso prints, and much fun and inspiration!


Testing and thinking.
Trying to figure out if light is material as well.


Vestlandsutstillingen 2017 is on! After a few hours of driving in some dodgy snow-mountains I installed my work "sot" in the Art house, Kabuso. The work will be following this exhibition all around the Norwegian west coast in five different venues. If you might be in Ålesund, Stavanger, Førde, Øystese or Haugesund, you might fetch VU17 on the move.


Some people from idoart.dk wrote about Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling that just ended this weekend. You can have a peek into the past exhibition in the article here.


Today was the last day of KE16 in Copenhagen, and it's time for packing down. It's slightly fantastic that the work is still standing as well as it is, considering many visitors and the fact that there is nothing but gravity holding the porcelain powder together. Here is a picture from KE's photographer Laura Stamer.


I've been accepted for Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling in Copenhagen this year ! The opening is on friday the 4th of November and it will be standing until the 20th of November. Pictures and so will follow when things are on place, but come by for the opening or later if you can!


At 13 today this thing wants to do a little performance....
(Hordaland Kunstsenter on Nordnes, Klosteret 17, Bergen)


I'm happy to say that in between 23/9 - 16/10 I will be presenting an ongoing and changing installation in the art space called Archipelago on Hordaland Kunstsenter
If you are in Bergen you are more then welcome ot pass by! (there is a link to the main event here )


"Sot" is going to travel around the west coast of Norway during winter/spring 2017 - and now this September parts of my graduation project "tankens lätthet tidens tyngd" will be represented at Trøndelagsutstillingen, Galleri KIT in Trondheim and later on at Kunstmuseet Nord-Trøndelag. Feels good. Things get to live on and do what they are doing.


there is movement at the studio


Last week Ingeborg Blom Andersskog and me put up an exhibition for our group Mother Tongue at the little window gallery for ceramic art; Window 107, on Istedgade i Copenhagen. All 14 artists equally shared a lump of clay, and Ingeborgs clay were put out on the window glass to form small peep-holes, through which the different pieces were narrated. The window exhibition will be there from now on and to the middle of July, and you will be able to see some more pictures on Mother Tongues webpage.


This weekend, 23rd - 24th of April, I will be a part of a cultural happening called B-open, were artists all over Bergen city will open their studio space for everyone interested to visit.
All studios will be open between 12:00-17:00, and you are more than welcome to pop by our studio space on Strandgaten 205 to have a look at ongoing projects, get a coffee, and talk about all and nothing!


1st of April I moved into an artist community in Bergen called a205! Here I will build up my studio together with 10 other artist and designers. You can see our homepage here.


Emilie Magnusson and Kim Gregory, two members from our new collaboration group Mother Tongue organized this pop-up exhibition in Stockholm!


In the start of 2016 I've been working with heat, air and water - and how to transform these natural resources into movement and form. In the first step, I've been working with traces of sot on porcelain, and wanted to show a process picture as a little sneak peak! The tongue of the candlelight stains very quickly, and the sot gets pitch black.


From 4th of January to 15th of February, I attended a residency called "Project Network" at the ceramic research center in Denmark, Guldagergaard. We were 14 newly educated ceramic artists and designers who together formed a group named (ceramic is our) Mother Tongue for future collaborations. You can visit our website here. Good energy from talented and lovely people, just the best start of the year!

(process picture from some of what I was working with over there)

On the 13-15th of January, my coffee-pouring-machine will go out traveling again and I will exhibit at a danish design show; Northmodern in Copenhagen, together with my education KADK. The exhibition project is called NØW! http://www.kadkmilan2015.com


This summer 2015 I was working together with a wonderful and hardworking scenography team to build up an immersive world together for the performance Sisters Academy, the boarding school, at InKonst in Malmö/sweden. A three week long 24/7 immersive performance experiment in how society can find more poetic, sensuous and aesthetic ways of learning, living and evolving. I made the room for the teacher called The Gardener, were a big restroom were transformed into a place were things grow. Check out the project on : http://www.sistersacademymalmo.se and look into what Sisters Hope are doing, its interesting, its needed.

The Gardener in his space. With his mushroom farm and tools. photo: diana lindhardt // The I of Sisters Academy
Check more pictures from the event on : flickr